COVID-19 Guidelines
Archbishop Pérez has announced that parishes of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will be able to resume public Masses, which is wonderful news! We at Holy Family Church look forward to welcoming you back! Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we make our way back to the in-person celebration of the Mass.
Please take the time to read the instructions below. We ask everyone to follow these guidelines when attending Mass during this period:
- Please stay home if you are sick.
- Please stay home if you are at higher risk of severe illness with COVID-19. If you are uncertain about your risk status, please consult your doctor and also the CDC Guidelines at the link below.
- Click here to read the CDC Guidelines for those at higher risk:
- Mass will continue to be available via live-stream.
- We are livestreaming on our Facebook page at
- Saturday: 4:00 P.M.
- Sunday 9:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M.
- Please wash your hands for 20 seconds using soap and water.
- Before entering the Church, please put on a face mask or cloth covering.
- Exceptions to this are “children younger than 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, and anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face covering without assistance” (CDC Guidelines).
- Please do not come to Mass if you are sick or are at higher risk for severe illness with COVID-19 (see above).
- For safety reasons, missalettes will not be in the pews during this period. You are welcome to bring your own missal/readings with you.
- We will provide printed worship aids that will include the readings and Gospel. These will be available on a table at the center aisle.
- All three entrances will be available.
- Hand sanitizers will be available at the Church entrances.
- Please use the hand sanitizer upon entering and exiting the Church.
- When taking your seat, please honor all posted signs about where you may sit. Every other pew will be open to ensure proper social distancing. You may not be able to sit in your usual place because of social distancing.
- Members of the same household may sit together as normal. Please place 6 feet between your household and members of a different household.
- We only have around 100 pews available. We do not know how many people this will seat, so we encourage people to arrive early to ensure that they will have a seat during Mass. If the church becomes filled, those who arrive after will be asked to remain outside during Mass.
- Although we are not discouraging singing, we would ask that you sing quietly to yourself, and if doing so, keep your facemask on.
- Regarding the collection: A collection will be taken up during the Offertory as usual using long-handled baskets.
- There will be no Sign of Peace during Mass.
- Please remain in your pew during the distribution of communion. The celebrant or Deacon will go to you in order for you to receive communion. If you intend to receive communion, please stand. If not, remain seated.
- The faithful are asked to receive Holy Communion in the hand.
- Please wait to remove your mask until you are about to receive communion.
- For those who wish to receive communion on the tongue, you may do so by going to the sacristy after Mass is concluded.
- At the conclusion of Mass, please exit the Church and proceed directly to your car or home. Please do not congregate within the Church for any reason.
- Please take a parish bulletin home with you. o Please leave your mask on until you exit the Church.
Confessions will be available a half hour prior to our 4:00 P.M. and 9:00 A.M. Masses.
Holy Family Church will follow the guidelines from the CDC for sanitation reasons as we resume public Masses. If you are uncertain about whether or not you should return to Mass, please consult with your doctor, as we cannot answer this question. I know that many of you have missed Mass as being an essential part of your week. We all feel the same way about the lack of Holy Communion in our life, but let us hope that this is the beginning of restoring the experience we once knew and loved.